Initially, two young women working for Montreal’s top restaurants became friends and developed a common passion: the European art of living.
The experience in the restaurant business allowed them to pinpoint customers’ needs very precisely and to suggest ways of using dishes and other items in an original and innovative way. At that time (early 2000s), the culture of gastronomy was expanding rapidly in Quebec, restaurant customers wanted to equip themselves at home in the manner of the great chefs: so, they decided to open a boutique in the fall of 2004 to serve restaurant owners as well as individuals.
Today, in 2021, twenty years have passed since the creation of the company. The team has changed and grown over the years, as have our services: we now offer the Vista Alegre porcelain line exclusively in Canada and offer all the products necessary for the art of the table.
3 women and 1 cushion is an essential reference for restaurant and hotel owners.